How to enable AnkhSVN on Visual Studio 2013?


I would like to set up WinMerge as external Diff and Merge Tools after setting the source control plug-in (you have to install WinMerge first): Visual Studio -> TOOLS -> Options -> Expand the “Source Control” Node Double click on … Continue reading

Universal Uploader (fireuploader)

Today I was searching some thing, that makes my life easy for upload pictures to I searched FireFox extension for it and finally I found “Universal Uploader” extension for FireFox that can make easy life for anyone.

Right now it is supporting following project for uploading but I did not try all of them except

– Flickr
– Picasa
– Youtube
– Facebook
– Webshots
– Omnidrive
– Smugmug
– SmeStorage
– Google Docs


Best of luck!

Development discuss on .com

Person A: Do you know??
Person B: about what??
Person A: From where I can contribute and learn .Net, Java, etc compiler….???
Person B: … <difficult question…> …
Person A: answer is so simple… go on and join Rotor group, GenX group, Java-Security group, .Net-CLR group and many other informative information are there.

Best Of lUck!

RSS Ticker

RSS Ticker

RSS Ticker loads your Live Bookmarks and scrolls their entries across your screen while you surf.

Ticker loads your Live Bookmarks and scrolls their entries across your
screen while you surf. It’s perfect for staying informed without having
to actively browse entries in an RSS reader.

The ticker can be placed at the bottom of the screen (below the status
bar) or at the top of the screen (underneath your bookmarks toolbar).
Nearly all aspects of the ticker’s display are customizable, including
the scroll speed, smoothness, and link width. You can even set a limit
for the number of items that appear from each feed.

You can decide which of your Live Bookmarks you want scrolled in the
ticker by checking or unchecking the box in the bookmark’s properties
dialog (right-click on the Live Bookmark in the Bookmarks menu and
choose Properties), or by managing all of your feeds in the ticker’s
feed manager (in the RSS Ticker options dialog).

You can choose to have RSS Ticker shuffle all of the entries from all
of the feeds so that you always have a variety of links showing in the
ticker, and since RSS Ticker shows the feed’s favicon (favorite’s icon)
next to each entry, you’ll know exactly which feed each entry is from.

The ticker and the items in the ticker have a context menu, which
allows you to open each item in the current tab, a new tab, or a new
window, mark an item as read without opening it, mark an entire feed as
read, or mark all feeds as read. You can also open items in tabs in a
variety of ways. There is also an option to manually refresh your
feeds. The context menu is customizable, so you can choose to hide the
options you don’t want to see. (Note: Since version 1.7, you can mark
an item as read by Ctrl-clicking on it.)

You can move the ticker back and forth manually using the scrollwheel
on your mouse, so if you just missed something interesting, you can
easily reverse the ticker and get to the link you want.

By choosing to customize your Firefox toolbar, you can add the RSS
Ticker toolbar button. This button can be used to quickly enable or
disable the ticker without visiting the options dialog.

RSS Ticker reads RSS (2.0, 1.0, 0.9x) and Atom feeds, and the ticker
can be disabled and hidden when you’re not using it, unlike many other
ticker extensions. You can also have it hide itself when it’s empty,
perfect for saving valuable screen space.


firefox “VideoDownloader”


Download videos from Youtube, Google, Metacafe, iFilm, Dailymotion, Pornotube… and other 60+ video sites ! And all embedded objects on a webpage (movies, mp3s, flash, quicktime, etc) ! Directly !

VideoDownloader add a small icon on the status bar at the bottom of your firefox window, and a toolbar button. Just click that and download the video you are watching !


use firefox and enjoy a lots of extensions, which made your life easy.
